Communicate “global”- Consume “local”. Le produzioni agroalimentari tipiche nel Web (Communicate “global”- Consume “local”. Web marketing for the typical agro-food products)
web communication, typical agro-food product, territory, brand-landAbstract
Purpose of the paper: The aim of the paper is to identify, especially in terms of verbal and visual contents, what are and/or may be the essential determinants in the “brand-land” communication, with particular regard to how they can be transmitted through Internet.
Methodology: The methodological approach used is mixed-methods type: 1) identification, by survey, of the main network in the agro-food sector, which are representative of the “brand-land” connection; 2) use of the text mining technique to analyse (with the help of the software T-Lab) the verbal communication made by the firms of the sample in their own web sites; 3) use of the focus group technique to examine the visual web communication of the sample.
Findings: Thematic areas, the most frequent lexical units and visual elements have been identified, on which the analysed food consortia can base the web communication of their local products.
Managerial implications: Identification of useful guidelines for a correct web communication of the local products, which facilitate in particular the agro-food company in the choice of the most effective textual content and the visual elements for transferring the product and territory identity to the web users and improving the promotional and marketing activities of its offer.
Originality and research limits: The main original element is the choice of using the text mining technique to the web sites of the selected sample, in order to obtain information that will create value for the agro-food businesses. The main limitation arises from the difficulty of defining the above-mentioned sample according to appropriate statistical rules that allow a generalization of the results.
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