Il ruolo del sito web nell’esperienza turistica: Il caso delle agenzie viaggi in Italia (The role of the website in the tourist experience: The case of the travel agencies in Italy)


  • Marco Cioppi



tourist demand, tourist offer, web communication in tourism, tourist experience, italian travel agencies, website analysis


Purpose of the paper: The objective of this paper is to analyze the utilization of the Italian travel agencies’ online communication and understand, therefore, if the tourist intermediaries par excellence use rarely update websites, only to be found in the digital universe or on the contrary, if they have web pages that exploit, consciously, the opportunities offered by the internet.

Methodology: After outlining an overview of the main methods used by the contemporary economic literature, in order to evaluate the websites’ effective quality, the second part of this work presents an analysis model built to study the effectiveness of the online communication of 400 Italian travel agencies. The model is based on the decomposition of the tourist purchase process in three phases: dream, emotion and memory.

Findings: The outcomes of the survey highlight a situation of under-utilization of the online communication and a limited interest in the creation of stable and loyal relationships with customers.

Managerial Implications: This model could be used as a tool able to evaluate the effectiveness of the travel agencies’ web communication and as a useful support to define operative interventions, fundamental to fill up the criticalities of the tourist operators’ websites.

Research limitations: The main limitation is represented by the lack of an analysis of the effective use of the websites by the side of tourists.

Originality: The utilization of a detailed database of 400 agencies and the creation of an evaluation model of the online communication effectiveness may represent interesting elements of originality.


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