Sviluppo economico ed infrastrutture: un’analisi empirica delle Province italiane (Economic development and infrastructure: an empirical analysis of Italian Provinces)
infrastructure, local government, maps of competitiveness/vulnerabilityAbstract
Purpose of the paper: The article offers a strategic analysis of the business-area system to the level of infrastructure in the Italian Provinces.
Methodology: The study relies on a built-in information system integrating the databases of the main Institutes of Statistical Economic Research. A set of indicators, the principal component analysis and local indicators of spatial analysis properly integrate the model while offering interesting cues for local government intervention.
Findings: Identification of maps of competitiveness/vulnerability.
Practical implications: Encourage discussion of policy makers.
Research limits: Difficulties to redesign the relationships among local agencies, local enterprises and territorially embedded financial institutions.
Originality of the study: The work advances a new proposition: from a methodological point of view, as it implements tools from the strategic management research, and from the results of the study on the examined areas.
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