Innovare l’offerta estendendo il retail brand: il ruolo della fedeltà e della sensibilità a prezzo e promozione (Innovating the offer by extending the retail brand: the role of loyalty and sensitivity to price and promotion)


  • Elisa Martinelli
  • Beatrice Luceri
  • Sabrina Latusi



private label, non-traditional products and services, loyalty, price, promotion


Purpose of the paper: The paper investigates the role that loyalty to the private label, value consciousness and promotion attitude exert in predicting the buying of non-traditional products and services offered with the retail brand name.
Methodology: A logistic binary regression was applied to the data collected through an in-store survey administering a structured questionnaire (N. 139).
Findings: Main findings evidence that behavioral loyalty to the private label and promotion attitude predict the buying of non-traditional retail products and services, while value consciousness is borderline.
Research limits: The sample collected concerns a sole retailer. The loyalty concept investigated represents only one of the necessary components of customer loyalty. The analysis does not distinguish within specific non-traditional products and services.
Practical implications: Results empirically support the innovative decision to extend the offer to no-core products and services by retail managers. Implementing policies aimed at increasing the purchase of private label within the core assortment and at investing in price promotions, non-traditional products and services could benefit from a virtuous cycle. To succeed in this new offer, retailers’ efforts have to focus on the customers more sensitive to private label and below the line promotions.
Originality of the paper: The paper contributes to the literature on private label extending some of its results in the innovative context of non-traditional products and services, poorly explored since now.


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