Consumer’s e-signals Prism analysis: impact and implications for corporate communication strategy
communication audit, marketing strategy, web marketing, word of mouth, social networks, prism analysisAbstract
Purpose of the paper: Based on a conceptual framework of the updated communication process analysis, this paper seeks to test and validate new requirements and tools for brand audits in online contexts (C-Radar and Prism Analysis Table).
Methodology: This study was realized through the analysis of textual discourse in several social media, adopting an automated sentiment software crawler which downloaded texts converted them into quantitative data. The sample was related to 50 global brands of eight industries by collecting information from 19236 messages and measuring three main variables: Brand Noise, Valence and Value.
Findings: The study empirically enriches the state of the art related to communication audit by including and analysing the external messages and stimuli of online contexts.
Limitation: Although we worked to reduce limitations, some biased errors remain due to the data collection software (misinterpretation of key words, coexistence of persons/slangs/common words similar to the brand name). Another limitation, timing of the one-shot observation, has been compensated by the large sample.
Managerial implication: Through this approach, firms will understand whether to integrate e-signals within companies’ communication strategies how to intervene (if needed), and how to influence the new stimuli message.
Originality of the paper: The research suggests a model for communication process analysis, including the main external consumers’ messages and the tracking and understanding of the valence and noise of these messages. In addition, it allows the evaluation of their impact on corporate communication strategies related to social network environments.
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