The strategic role of communication in management and the contribution of corporate museums


  • Marta Maria Montella



corporate communication, total relationship marketing, heritage marketing, corporate museum, Italian situation, museum service-output


Purpose of the paper: The paper aims to highlight the potential of corporate museums as a tool for corporate communication and to offer an overview of the current performance of Italian corporate museums in this regard.

Methodology: The paper moves from the analysis of the main assumptions of the economic-managerial literature, with particular regard to the issue of the relational dimension of strategies and corporate communication on the one hand and corporate museums on the other. At the same time, it leverages an empirical survey conducted on Italian corporate museums.

       Findings: While there is a high and widespread awareness on the part of corporate museum management about the potential of these institutions to direct all stakeholders for the benefit of the enterprise, differences emerge regarding the implementation of the most effective strategies and tools to achieve all the value possible/optimise the value achievable.

       Research limits: The main limitation of the research is the national sample size under investigation.

Practical implications: The paper aims to contribute to both the advancement of theoretical studies and managerial practice, including highlighting strategies and actions that can be implemented to improve the performance of corporate museums in terms of corporate communication.

Originality of the paper: The paper focuses on corporate museums' contribution to the strategic role of communication in management, approaching the topic from theoretical and empirical perspectives.


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