Connecting with visually acculturated audiences: A hypermodern perspective


  • Ganga Sasidharan Dhanesh



Visual communication, hypermodernity, organizational identification, organizational rhetoric, audiences, organizational field, social media


Purpose of the paper: This conceptual paper aims to examine drivers behind the emergent communication preference of audiences towards visual media. It also offers recommendations for organizations to adapt their engagement strategies with visually oriented audiences.

Methodology: NA as this is a conceptual paper

Findings: Using the theoretical lenses of hypermodernity and organizational identification the paper suggests that organizations can enable identification with visually acculturated audiences through co-creating identity through individual rhetors using visual spectacles that might appeal to hypermodern audiences who are driven by creating extraordinary and unique identities based on experiential, emotion-rich consumption, and their love of the spectacular.

Research limits: This is an exploratory conceptual paper, which could be followed up with empirical work. Future studies could create research instruments that could help to identify hypermodern audiences. Studies can also examine the processes through which visual rhetoric of organizational identity accomplishes identification with hypermodern audiences.

Practical implications: Communicators in organizations can strengthen their audience engagement strategies through co-creating organizational identities that are likely to resonate with these hypermodern audiences. 

Originality of the paper: This paper enriches audience research in organizational contexts applicable across disciplinary domains such as organizational communication, public relations, marketing, and advertising by borrowing and connecting concepts such as hypermodernity, visual rhetoric, and organizational identity from sociology, organization studies and communication management.


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