Crafting Clarity: A Textual Framework for Optimizing Strategic Communication in Italian Banking Foundation Mission Reports
Banking foundations; Mission reports; Financial statements; Communication strategies; Natural Language Processing; Lexical Correspondence AnalysisAbstract
Purpose of the paper: This paper delves into the realm of mission reports within the context of banking foundation to scrutinise the communicative aspects of these documents and unearth their fundamental characteristics to shed light on prevalent trends and discern potential directives to write them effectively.
Methodology: The study focuses on the major Italian banking foundations, namely those boasting assets exceeding the billion euros, by employing a methodology that integrates textual analysis such as Lexical Correspondence Analysis (LCA) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques to comprehensively scrutinize their mission reports, investigate the communicative strategies employed and explore the thematic priorities and accessibility of information dissemination.
Findings: The study reveals a dichotomy in communication approaches among major Italian banking foundations in their mission reports, with some treating them as regulatory obligations while others employ dedicated, engaging reports emphasising community involvement and societal impact.
Research limits: Limitations include potential variances in communication practices among smaller foundations, not included in the analysis, and a constrained stakeholder perspective.
Practical implications: Our findings can guide efforts in strategic communication practices of the banking foundation, offering insights into enhancing the transparency, accessibility, and inclusivity of mission reporting.
Originality of the paper: This paper presents an original analysis of Italian banking foundations' strategic communication through mission reports, uncovering distinct approaches and outlining best practices to enhance transparency in social accountability reporting.
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