Data-driven strategic communication for brand identity building: the case study of Capital One
strategic communication, brand identity, data-driven approach, big data, illustrative case studyAbstract
Purpose of the paper: This paper aims to investigate the role of strategic communication, empowered by the data-driven approach, in the process of brand identity building.
Methodology: The paper is drawn from Jaakkola's "theory synthesis design" (2020). Through the lens of the Resource-Based View, data-driven approach in strategic communication and branding studies are integrated to reexamine Urde's Corporate Brand Identity Matrix. Through a theoretical re-conceptualization a novel framework is derived. An illustrative case study relying on secondary data offers empirical support.
Findings: The theoretical framework shows that big data, as strategic resources, improve organized listening and reflective communication, impacting on the brand identity building. Data-driven strategic communication influences mission and vision (innovation orientation), culture (data-driven decision making), competences (data science skills), value proposition (personalized products and experiences), relationships (data-driven corporate communication), and positioning (strategic stakeholder listening). The Capital One case study, as best practice, illustrates the application of the novel theoretical framework.
Research limits: The study presents the limitations of a conceptual paper built from the literature review and on a single illustrative case study, based on secondary data.
Practical implications: The proposed theoretical framework could orient top management decisions and strengthens the strategic role of communication/brand managers in brand identity building in the digital age. Thanks to strategic communication based on a data-driven logic, managers could develop new value propositions for innovative business models, improve competitive positioning and build personalized relationships. Moreover, the inclusion of data in corporate culture, as well as the synergistic coexistence of different managerial skills, facilitate performance excellence.
Originality of the paper: This interdisciplinary paper proposes a rethinking of brand identity building, emphasizing the data-driven approach in strategic communication.
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