Bridging Corporate Communication and Marketing Narratives for organizational success: How collaboration happens


  • Cecilia Casalegno
  • Chiara Civera
  • Elena Candelo
  • Raoul Romoli Venturi



Corporate communication, marketing, reputation, multi-stakeholder approach, holistic purpose


Purpose of the paper: This study explores synergies between corporate communication and marketing in audience, media, and message, aiming to enhance the debate on their strategic and tactical roles. It argues that integrating these functions strengthens firms as social actors and addresses marketing misperceptions.

Methodology: The methodology employed in this study is a mixed qualitative approach, incorporating both focus groups and elite interviews with executives from multinational enterprises across various industries.

Findings: The paper's findings reveal several key insights into the evolving and sometimes troublesome relationship between corporate communication and marketing in multinational enterprises (MNEs) and shed light on the contemporary state of the art.

Research limitations: Since findings are based on a limited sample of multinational enterprises, the generalizability of the findings to other industries may be limited.

Practical implications: The research underscores the need for organizations to recognize and navigate the evolving dynamics between corporate communication and marketing.

Originality of paper: The originality of our paper stems from its empirical investigation, multi-industry perspective, focus on societal expectations, recognition of integration challenges, and the nuanced role of corporate communication in guiding marketing strategies.


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