Destinazioni minori e sviluppo turistico sostenibile. Il progetto EDEN nella Regione Lombardia (Minor destinations and sustainable tourism development. The EDEN project in the Lombardia region)
sustainable development, minor destinations, quality, EDEN projecAbstract
Purpose of the paper:This paper aims to study the features of slow territories as possible minor benchmark destinations in a new vision of local sustainable development. The hypothesis behind the work states that the sustainability of the development model is in itself a value capable of influencing the tourism competitiveness of minor destinations, which cannot be identified as marginal territories, but which can, on the contrary, be viewed as distinct areas.
Methodology: The paper analyses literature on the subject and collects data from public sources and interviews held by those in charge of the EDEN project in Lombardy.
Findings: The analysis highlights the way in which the Community project has been recognised as being an instrument, capable of increasing the visibility of a minor destination, but not so far as being an opportunity, which will encourage good practice to be shared and exchanged throughout EU territory.
Research limits: Research was limited by the restricted number of cases analysed and the lack of a set of indicators capable of measuring the impact on tourist communication.
Practical implications: This work reveals potential, practical implications not only for the assessment of consistency between the EDEN project objectives and its results, but also for the management of the territory from the point of view of enhancement and participation.
Originality of the study: The most original aspect of the work consists of the identification of minor destinations as areas capable of promoting excellent models of sustainable tourist development, in which their slow emergence and marginal condition can be regarded positively, so as to become their distinctive factor.
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