Strategic communication and greenwashing. Theoretical reflections and managerial implications.
greenwashing, strategic communication, greenhushing, CSR communication, integrative literature reviewAbstract
Purpose of the paper: The pervasiveness of the greenwashing phenomenon poses important challenges for companies in leading sustainability communication, an increasingly strategic asset for organizations. Recognizing the current complexity of greenwashing phenomena, this conceptual paper aims to provide a reflection on the role, research directions and managerial implications of a strategic communication approach designed to prevent greenwashing.
Methodology: The conceptual study develops starting from an integrative review of the literature.
Findings: The study highlights scarce consideration for the strategic communication perspective, despite the constant emergence of new forms of greenwashing. Explanations of greenwashing behaviors mainly tend to focus on the supposed benefits/harms derived from the discrepancy between talk and action, rather than questioning the underlying processes governing and effectively managing the phenomena that lead to such misalignments.
Research limits: The conceptual paper presents the typical limitations of the deductive approach based on literature review.
Practical implications: From the practical standpoint, the research provides several recommendations for decision-makers aimed at preventing accusations of greenwashing and the negative associated consequences.
Originality of the paper: This paper is a first attempt to address some unresolved issues in sustainability communication approaches that cause deep-rooted greenwashing, and suggests a systemic approach to strategic communication to prevent such phenomena.
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