Charting the ‘Lunar Alignment’ in Today’s Media Landscape

Exploring the Evolving Roles of Italian Strategic Communicators and Journalists


  • Chiara Valentini



Professional identity, perceptions, social representations, media changes, strategic communication, journalism, Italy


Frame of the research: Significant transformations in the field of communication are marked by the increasing integration and transboundary role of communication across organizational functions. The diffusion of digital information technologies has further transformed strategic communication and journalism and challenged traditional notions of organizational control.

Purpose of the study: This study delves into the changing landscape of these professions, emphasizing the impact of digital technologies, media logics, and the democratization of communications through platforms like social media. Against these media transformations, this research questions whether the professional identities and institutional logics of those operating in these fields have evolved.

Methodology: Through expert interviews, this study explores professionals experience recent changes in the media landscape and digital technologies and reflect back on how these have influenced their professional identities, practices and the perceptions of the other profession.

Results: this study shows that some transformations in the social representations associated with the profession of strategic communication and journalism are present, while there is a convergence of these professional skillsets.

Research limitations: The study is qualitative in nature and based on a limited sample, thus the results cannot be generalized.

Practical implications and originality of the study: This study providing insights into the evolving professional landscape of communication in Italy, offering some empirical evidence on these professions’ perception. The study addresses a gap in research with a country-specific focus and shedding light on the intricate interplay of technology, culture, and evolving communication practices.


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