L’implementazione dei servizi in iGuzzini illuminazione (The services to increase the value of the offer. The case iGuzzini illuminazione)
servitization, value creation, augmented service offering model, lighting marketAbstract
Purpose of the paper: investigating the servitization phenomenon from the point of view of implementation activities.
Methodology: a single case study on large Italian enterprise in lighting market.
Findings: from the analysis the following main points emerge: the importance of service culture, the importance of human resources dedicated to evolve multimedia supports, the importance of the continuous processes of internal and external training and, above all, the critical involvement of the prescriber.
Research limitations: one case study is considered and it’s impossible to make generalizations.
Practical implications: the paper provided reflections and operative ideas for the manager of the manufacture firms that want to requalify their value offer.
Originality of the study: it enriches the traditional perspective of the analysis of the “augmented service offering” by Grönroos, showing how in a complex market value creation requires the involvement of prescribers (architects, engineers, lighting designers) and of the other players in the channel (distributors, installers ).
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