Customer satisfaction e brand competition (Customer satisfaction and brand competition)
customer satisfaction, intentional behaviours, marketing managementAbstract
Purpose of the paper: this paper proposes a model for customer satisfaction measurement, able to: a) provide a brief overview on customer satisfaction indicators; b) suggest detailed information thorough, which could be useful in order to; c) verify the existence of any connection between customer satisfaction and intentional behaviors, with an in-depth analysis on the role of brand.
Methodology: descriptive and multivariate analysis. Data have been obtained through a structured questionnaire, administered to a non-probabilistic sample made up of 350 consumers who buy jeans.
Results: findings allowed to: a) find out customer satisfaction determinants in the jeans sector; b) observe the existence of a linear relation between satisfaction and post purchase behavior; c) verify the essence of the aforesaid connection in terms of loyalty and, in particular, in reference to top-of-mind brands.
Limitations: the sample does not allow the generalization of the obtained results.
Managerial implications: the work intends to provide useful information in terms of customer satisfaction measurement and marketing strategies implementation in the jeans sector.
Originality: the methodology adopted offers a contribution to the construction of a model of consumer knowledge management able to support the definition of marketing strategies and, in particular, the search for differentiation.
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