Strategie di consumer-brand engagement. Il punto di vista delle imprese e delle agenzie di comunicazione (Consumer-brand engagement strategies. The point of view of companies and communication agencies)


  • Maria Vernuccio
  • Gabriele Qualizza
  • Andrea Buratti
  • Federica Ceccotti



Consumer-brand engagement, traditional and digital agency, ‘clicksand- mortar’ and ‘pure play’ firm


Purpose of the paper: The aim of the paper is to deepen the managerial perspectives towards consumer-brand engagement strategies (CBE) by developing an original integrative framework based upon two key players’ categories within the marketing communication network: enterprises (‘clicks-and-mortar’ and ‘pure play’) and agencies (traditional and digital).

Methodology: Following an exploratory inductive and qualitative approach, we have drawn upon 44 in-depth interviews with marketing and communication experts (consultants and managers). Qualitative data was analysed through a thematic content analysis.

Findings: The findings show similarities and specificities in the managerial perspectives towards CBE depending both on the players’ category and the digital orientation. 

Research limits: This paper is not exempt from limitations, especially related to the qualitative and exploratory nature of the study, and the results cannot be generalised.

Practical implications: The results offer useful suggestions to the different players studied (clicks-and-mortar, pure play enterprises, digital and traditional agencies) with the aim to improve the effectiveness of the CBE strategies. 

Originality of the paper: Previous research on CBE mainly focused on the analysis of the consumer’s point of view. Focusing on different types of enterprises and agencies, our study provides the first academic contribution to the understanding of the managerial point of view within an original conceptual framework that integrates multiple key issues faced in developing CBE strategies.


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