Sistema economico, impatto ambientale e benessere sociale: una lettura territoriale (Economic system, environmental impact and social well-being: a territorial reading)
local economic system, bioeconomics, stocks and flows model, local development, eudaimonic well-being, environmental sustainabilityAbstract
Methodology: Definition of the territorial model through the structural components of production and consumption processes (stocks) and system input and output (flows). Flows measurement by means of indicators of well-being and environmental sustainability; stocks measurement by means of indicators of productive dimension and functionality.
Findings: The model has been applied to the 8 local economic systems of Viterbo province. The interrelationships among economic development, well-being and sustainability at local level have been investigated starting from the evaluation of flows and stocks indicators.
Research limits: The study is based on an innovative model that requires further validations. Indicators choice and evaluation is largely subjective. Difficulty in results generalization due to an empirical application referred to a specific case study.
Practical implications: Definition of a structured methodology suited to analyze the relationship among economic, social and environmental dimensions at local level. Data availability to address targeted actions towards local development carried out by local institutions and companies system.
Originality of the study: Innovative methodological approach based on bioeconomics paradigm. Definition of an integrated model to study and analyse, in quantitative terms, local economic systems in a territorial perspective. Empirical evidences derived from the application of stocks and flows model.
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