New value creation opportunities for Start-ups with I4.0: resources and capabilities capitalisation and effects on the Value Chain
value creation; start-up; Industry 4.0; supply chain; business modelsAbstract
Purpose of the paper: this research aims to investigate how I4.0 enables new opportunities of value creation for start-ups using internal or external resources and capabilities related to Industry 4.0 (I4.0).
Methodology: we use a qualitative case study research approach, mainly because of the exploratory nature of the research and the newness of the analysed trend.
Results: the research points out three possible opportunities for starting new businesses: using a mix of internal and external resources/capabilities (Grafting 4.0), a combination, coordination and management of external resources and capabilities (Pollination 4.0), or internal resources and capabilities with a comprehensive 4.0 approach (Blooming 4.0). For each of them the required 4.0 technologies and the new paradigm’s application are examined.
Research limitations: The analysed cases are all based in Italy, for a better validation it would be interesting to expand the study to other countries.
Practical implications: this paper may be helpful for prospective entrepreneurs that should ask themselves which kind of opportunity they could grab in consideration of the internal and external resources and competencies.
Originality of the paper: to the best of our knowledge this paper is amongst the first ones analysing the opportunities given by I4.0 to start new businesses.
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