Toward the strengthening of enabling technologies in Italy: results of the second survey on procurement 4.0
Enabling Technologies; Digital Transformation; Industry 4.0; Procurement 4.0; Skills; ItalyAbstract
Purpose of the paper: This paper presents the results of the second survey on Procurement 4.0 in Italy, focusing on the skills needed for digital transformation.
Methodology: The study is conducted through an online questionnaire (CAWI), transmitted by ADACI via email to its members. The results are presented in a comparative format relative to the first survey developed in 2018.
Results: The survey suggests that enabling technologies have evolved, at least in the larger companies, from an infancy phase to a real introduction phase with greater involvement of the procurement function, called to act as a gateway for innovation.
Limitations: Our second survey has a low participation, though higher than the first. As with the COVID-19 pandemic, the role of enabling technologies in ensuring business continuity has been pushed to the fore, we hope that the third wave of the survey will involve more enterprises.
Practical implications: This study provides useful information to researchers, policymakers, and practitioners also suggesting the most appropriate skills to invest in. The findings indicate a strong need for a new training paradigm toward a new integrated mindset.
Originality of the paper: The surveys carried out in the framework of this research project are the first to be developed in Italy on Procurement 4.0. The results contribute to illuminating a phenomenon that remains underexplored. Through a university-business partnership, the study can feed decision-making processes at different levels to support the digital transformation of the Italian economic system.
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