Greening SCM through SC integration: an exploratory investigation among Italian supply chain managers
GSCM; Internal integration; External integration; Organisational cultureAbstract
Purpose of the paper: the study contributes to the debate on the nature of links between supply chain integration and green supply chain management (GSCM). In particular, we empirically tested the existence of relations between supply chain integration, organisational culture, and the adoption of GSCM practices.
Method: We carried out an online survey on a sample of Italian firms. After building research hypotheses and measurement models through a literature review, we administered an online questionnaire to purchasing managers or directors, logistics managers or directors, and managers in charge of supply chain management.
Results: Our results show that internal and external integrations have a multifaceted impact on GSCM practices. Internal integration is an essential condition for their implementation. In particular, technological integration with suppliers is more relevant than informative integration with suppliers in greening the supply chain. The results also show that companies develop different forms of supply chain integration depending on their organisational culture and not on their size.
Research limitations: The main limits of this study consist in the use of data from cross-sectional observation (and not longitudinal data) and the collection of data in a single country.
Practical implications: This study allows supply chain managers to better understand how to pursue a high level of coherence between supply chain integration, organisational culture and GSCM practices. In particular, our results help supply chain managers select integration pathways that support targeted GSCM practices and are more likely to succeed in their specific organisational context.
The originality of the study: This study adopts specific metrics for each component of supply chain integration, organisational culture and GSCM practices, which allows for a detailed analysis of the underlying relationships.
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