Image analysis e wine tourism destination: la prospettiva dell’enoturista (Image analysis and wine tourism destination: the wine tourist perspective)


  • Paola Scorrano
  • Monica Fait
  • Pierfelice Rosato
  • Lea Iaia



destination management, wine tourism, image


Purpose of the paper: The main objective of the research is to identify the drivers that define the image of wine tourism destinations, and analyze its role in the perception of the wine tourists.

Methodology: Embracing the principles of management literature in the field of Destination Management and, specifically, of Destination Image, the methodological measurement framework proposed by Echtner and Ritchie (1991) has been adopted.

Findings: A resource map was decided on, the aim of which was to qualify the image of a wine tourism destination. It checked the relevance given by wine tourists, with a specific focus on the main international wine tourism destinations.

Pratical implications: If properly contextualized, the general mapping represents a useful tool which is able to assess the magnitude of the path that an area should take to enhance basic prerequisites so as to make them identifiable as a system of wine tourism for the wine tourist.

Originality and research limits: The main element of originality in this research lies in the fact that it applies consolidated Destination Image analysis methodology to a wine tourism destination; indeed the importance of wine tourism has been increasing in terms of tourism development, nevertheless it has not been investigated in any great depth. However, there are inevitably limits arising from the difficulty in defining the samples in accordance with appropriate statistical rules that allow a generalization of the results.


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