Misurare il contributo della comunicazione alla corporate reputation per la creazione di valore (Measuring the contribution of communication to corporate reputation for creating value)


  • Maria Teresa Cuomo
  • Debora Tortora
  • Gerardino Metallo




reputation quotient, RQ Areas Scheme, communication investments


Purpose of the paper: The research paper aims to analyze the correlation between the reputation level and its “prominence”, in terms of communication, as a “tool” to improve firm performance in a competitive context.

Methodology: In order to validate the research hypotheses, an exploratory qualitative research has been put in place on a cluster of smes based in province of Salerno to ascertain if and how their reputation quotient can be influenced by communication. The reputation quotient is based on a model of multilevel reputation measurement.

Findings: The research project constitutes a relevant contribution to management and governance issues, seeing as communication qualifies systemic interdependence from both an internal and external perspective and, at the same time, suggests first hand evidence of the variability of firm value creation, in terms of reputation quotient.

Research limits: The study is based on an example, using a panel of smes in the hospitality sector. It would be useful to enlarge the base of the sample and the economic sectors.

Practical implications: Communication acquires a strategic role for the expanding of results achieved for the purpose of creating value, provided it is based on consolidated performance. On the contrary, value is dispersed when investments in communication are aimed at concealing mediocre performance, which can even determine firm crises, in terms of “breaching the pact of transparency” stipulated by the firm with its stakeholders.

Originality of the paper: Using the RQ Areas Scheme it can be verified if - in corporate governance - a “suitable” role could be attributed to communication as a vector of value creation.


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